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New regulations

There seems to be a general consensus, among Republicans at least, that regulation is A BAD THING. It can be stultifying. Regulations are sometimes silly or arbitrary. But generally they are instituted for good reasons. I'd like to add one more regulation: all regulations must include the reason why they were set up. That way we could get rid of them when the reason is no longer valid. Which would mean fewer regulations. Which would mean they might be less despised.

The other day I drove past a fairly new housing development. Some of the houses had no windows to the east. Other houses had garages on the south. Morning sun is always pleasant. In winter southern exposure is practical for letting in heat and light and fighting off depression.

I propose new regulations: in northern climates, garages to the south should be illegal; just about anywhere windows to the east should be required. Waivers should be easy to get--provided that there are reasons. An ugly tall building to the east would be a reason to allow no windows on that side. A garage set low with a deck on the roof accessible through French doors would be a good reason to allow a garage on the south side of a house.

Sometimes regulations stand in for common sense. Some developer built a lot of homely and unhomey houses with no windows to the east. He or she lacked common sense. Thus my call for a regulation.

If regulations inhibit or disregard common sense, they should in most cases be disposed of. Let it be so decreed.

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Your thoughts are welcome! I'll try not to flinch if there are nasty ones, which I understand are fairly common nowadays.