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Much of what passes for momentum these days is superstition.

Momentum is fine as a metaphor. But too many people, particularly in sports, seem to consider it a law of physics. It's not. A team has momentum if it is rallying. A pitcher has momentum if he's on a streak after a lull. There is a sense of inevitability about this momentum. Nonsense.

A lineman has momentum if he's moving, and plenty of it. A pitched ball has momentum, less if it's a change-up; if it's hit and has enough momentum it might go over the fence. But momentum is never mentioned in situations such as this. It's the superstitious sort that gets all the attention.

I remember advice from the the Barefoot Doctor book for health workers in developing countries: if you don't believe in curses, curses won't affect you. Good advice for sports teams: if you believe the other team has momentum, it will affect your play. If you don't believe it, there is no momentum.

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Your thoughts are welcome! I'll try not to flinch if there are nasty ones, which I understand are fairly common nowadays.