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Russia is warning of a dirty bomb. It's the Ukrainians, Putin claims, who are planning this dastardly deed.

Putin's playbook includes accusing someone else of what you plan to do. Then when you do it, you have already set the stage to blame them.

Sound familiar? We don't know what our former president and Putin talked about, but they may have shared strategies. Remember the fake hullabaloo about a rigged election? Turns out the rigging was being done by the one whinging about how it was going to happen. As it turned out, the election was enough of a rout that they couldn't pull off their nonsense, so they interrupted certification of the election with a riot. 

And the lies continue…  Some who claim to worship truth are OK with that.

This time it could lead to nuclear disaster. Oh well, at least Putin won't have to admit he made a mistake or lost a war. Better to kill hundreds of thousands of people than that!

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