Thursday, January 11, 2018

A Great Victory

Trump claimed the $25 million settlement on defrauding clients of his university was a great victory. It was. A more just settlement would have been $100 million.

Trump defrauded gullible would-be students out of more than $50 million. Some estimates are over $100 million. Trump himself admits, "I settled the Trump University lawsuit for a small fraction of the potential award."

At the very least he should have repaid every bit he scammed. Instead, he came out with a net gain of  at least $25 million (less lawyer costs). And, while those he scammed have to pay taxes on what they get back, Trump can write off most of his settlement.

Some of us old-fashioned folk would say restitution should be more down the lines of Old Testament principles: pay back double when you have cheated someone (Exodus 22:9).

Of course, the Falwells and Franklin Grahams of this world would never hold Mr Trump to such standards.

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