Sunday, October 1, 2017

Room for Optimism

Perhaps Donald Trump is just what we need as president. He embodies all that is worst about America. In so doing he has sparked vast resistance. Maybe he is the mirror we need to see who we really are.

As a nation, we are often greedy, self-centered, shifty, bigoted, and deceptive. This surprising era we find ourselves in, despite all the damage it will incur, may shake us by revulsion into action that transforms us into a nation that is once more, for the most part, exemplary, rather than an example of what not to be and do.

We can also be generous, thoughtful, inclusive, and honest. Perhaps, one day, these qualities will matter to us if not as much as, at least in addition to, economic might.

In 50 years, our economy will have been surpassed by that of China and perhaps other countries. In what ways will America be an example then? One way may well be our own story of Never again. I also hope our Constitutional values of justice, equality, and democracy will still be strong.

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