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The Soul of a Nation

Volodymyr Zelensky has purportedly been offered an escape from his beleaguered capitol. He turned it down. He has what Putin will never have: courage.

Putin is a powerful man. He has made sure of that by changing the rules in his country and by silencing those who protest. But power is not courage.

When a small country next door to Russia got rid of Yanukovych, the corrupt president who bowed to Putin and attempted to replicate his power grabs, Putin worried that Russians might notice. They might turn toward justice and demand true representation counter to his personal plans. They might heed Russia's own great literary giants* and protest against the system. So Putin decided to put an end to the offending country's elected government and install another of his toadies.

Putin is not alone. President Xi of China has made similar moves to consolidate power. This powerful man is so scared of simple stories that he has systematically forced Hollywood to say nothing about his and his country's offenses against its smaller neighbors. He has the power to do so, and he knows how to manipulate those who worship a major god of our country, money—another form of power. There is no courage involved in that manipulation, only greed.

Zelensky knows his days are likely numbered. One of the world's most powerful military forces is out to get him, and most of the world (perhaps wisely) has decided not to offer direct military aid. He could follow the route of many in power who convince themselves that they can do more for their country alive than dead. He could run, but he has chosen a different path. 

If Russia is successful in subjugating its non-compliant neighbor, as it most likely will be, the soul of the country will not die. It will live on in the hearts of a people who elected a comedian as president and then watched him choose country over self and laugh at a murderous power. They will follow his lead.

From far away most of us root for the underdog and are inspired by acts of courage. Notably, a few of us admire the cowards who choose personal power over country. People who sit in gilded towers rooting for liars and thieves. People who long for power and will sacrifice truth and country to get it, one of whom sought not long ago to corrupt Zelensky by withholding aid that could help Ukraine defend itself against its monstrous neighbor. People who may very well change their tunes because they haven't the courage of conviction.

Perhaps Zelensky will eventually choose exile, but I don't think so. I think he understands that his country cannot be saved without sacrifice. He will stay. He will sacrifice himself for his country, just as he has asked his soldiers to do. He could be like Putin and Xi and other heads of state. He could sit in a place of safety and order others to take chances for a country he thinks belongs to him. But he sees what the powerful cannot see: he belongs to his country, and he will act like it. He will let his sacrifice exemplify the soul of a nation, no matter the outcome for himself.


* In all history there is no war which was not hatched by the governments, the governments alone, independent of the interests of the people, to whom war is always pernicious even when successful. 

-Leo Tolstoy        


  1. Interesting that a Ukrainian comedian leader is now admired, whereas UK comedian leader is/ was despised by largely the same people. What matters is not the comedy but the underlying character.

  2. Very well put, Tim. Amazing how much difference one man's courage can make.


Your thoughts are welcome! I'll try not to flinch if there are nasty ones, which I understand are fairly common nowadays.